As you can probably tell, I've been catching up on some blogging that is long overdue. Our 2nd wedding anniversary seemed to just get brushed over (in fact, I'm not sure I even remembered it until my sweet husband got me roses and a picture of our new son) given it was the day we were heading home from the hospital. Luckily, I sensed my time would be coming as our anniversary approached so the Saturday before I went into labor I tried to do something little, knowing we likely wouldn't have a chance to celebrate for a while. Thus, early Saturday morning I just packed up the fixin's for a "camping style" breakfast - Trevor's favorite; and took him up into American Fork canyon (as seen below).

I would have been the one to prepare the meal, but my ankles looked like this at the time. There was no way those shoes were going to get tied.

So here is my hubby, in his element - the cooking a greasy, gooey, great camping breakfast element.

We then headed further up American Fork Canyon en route to our next destination. That's a darn beautiful drive any time of the year.

Here we are at Cascade Springs. I'd just read about it online and thought we'd venture out to it. (There wasn't much hiking involved either, which was why I chose it). I just had to include these pictures because I look like I've "had it" with pregnancy. Just huge, having to sit on benches, totally pregnant while wearing my " I Love BYU" shirt - made for a lot of staring from other passerbyers. Just stare back.

I'm sure I'd over done it after just those morning festivities, but couldn't pass up the good ol' Draper Rodeo. We didn't even know our great city had a Rodeo - turns out it's awesome and beautiful. It's set back in the corner of the mountains, looking out towards the mountain range in the west. Oh, and mutton busting is awesome - little kids getting totally tossed off crazy sheep.

Knowing our Lil' Riglet would likely be coming around our anniversary we had decided to celebrate it a little later by going to the Oregon Coast. We both love the Oregon coast and it's somewhere we have wanted to visit since we got married. So, after Jeff's wedding we drove over to the coast for a bit to celebrate!
First we went to Lincoln City, where we ate at Mo's, hit up the outlets, did some swimming, and ate at Pig 'n Pancake. You can see Riggs was helping us party in style with his new shades from the outlets. Also, here's the fam at Mo's and Riggs and Dad practicing their swimming at the hotel pool.
On day 2 we made our way up towards Canon Beach. Trevor had researched a hike that was at Cascade Head, called Hart's Cove, which was on our way. It was originally our goal to get to Canon Beach fairly early so we could go on a date and have Grandma and Grandpa watch Riggs...this hike changed our plans.
Here we are, eager and ready to go at the beginning of the hike. Little Riggs in the bajorn.

The hikes in Oregon are so different from hikes in Utah - both have a very distinct beauty.

Here is what you hike to...a meadow over-looking the Pacific Ocean. It was amazing.

Then, if you're really ambitious, like Dad and Trevor, you hike down to the edge of of the meadow and get to see this beatiful cove, Hart's cove. Pictures don't do it justice.

Well, the hike was about 5 and a half miles roundtrip, took about 4 hours or so. Mainly downhill on the way there, and then switchback after switchback up on the way back. And this is what Hart's Cove did to well as made us miss our date night! It was a great hike though, well worth it.

Well, we finally made it Manzanita, a tiny coastal town right outside of Canon Beach for our second night. The gem of the trip was the motel Trevor found us to stay in Manzanita - The Spin Drift Inn. It was a real treat, let me tell you. Wallpaper, seashell covered bedspreads, no mass purchased furniture. Here's a taste of #14 at The Spin Drift Inn, as well as Rigsy post-bath - he liked the Spin Drift.