So, yes, here I am. A very, very pregnant lady. But a very, very pregnant lady that was treated to a marvelous, and by marvelous, I mean spectacular, baby shower.

It was put on by these 2 beautiful ladies, Laura and Jenny. As well as the amazing Debbie Dickson (Laura's mom), who I wasn't able to get a photo of...kind of.

This was the set-up as you walked you can see, it was kind of a May Flowers theme. It was the cutest thing you've ever seen.

Here's the food layout. The layout is one thing, so pretty. The food is a whole other thing...

They made 3 amazing salads - an asian type salad, a spinach salad, and a shrimp/noodle salad. They were probably the best 3 salads I've ever had in my life. Seriously.

And here's the desert spread. Cream puffs, cupcakes, mini brownies, carrot cake, and on and on.

The beautiful mini-brownies. If you can't tell, everything was beautiful.

The marvelous, home-made carrot cake. Equipped with a mini carrot and eatable grass. Sooo good.

Lastly, just a couple shots of opening gifts. Let's just say, I really hope this baby really does come out a girl...because they have prepared me well to dress a little cute girly!!

It was put on by these 2 beautiful ladies, Laura and Jenny. As well as the amazing Debbie Dickson (Laura's mom), who I wasn't able to get a photo of...kind of.
This was the set-up as you walked you can see, it was kind of a May Flowers theme. It was the cutest thing you've ever seen.

Here's the food layout. The layout is one thing, so pretty. The food is a whole other thing...

They made 3 amazing salads - an asian type salad, a spinach salad, and a shrimp/noodle salad. They were probably the best 3 salads I've ever had in my life. Seriously.

And here's the desert spread. Cream puffs, cupcakes, mini brownies, carrot cake, and on and on.

The beautiful mini-brownies. If you can't tell, everything was beautiful.

The marvelous, home-made carrot cake. Equipped with a mini carrot and eatable grass. Sooo good.

Lastly, just a couple shots of opening gifts. Let's just say, I really hope this baby really does come out a girl...because they have prepared me well to dress a little cute girly!!
A few of the attendees (THE Debbie Dixon, far left).

The party favors, filled with candy.
It was a great night. We've been lucky enough to make some great friends in the short time we've been in Florida. I just wish I could somehow pay them all back for how much they do to help and support us Winn's!!!
Thank you again Laura, Jenny, and Debbie, as well as everyone that came!!