The Formal Photos. Riggs won the biggest "issue" award.

The biggest activity shift was from tennis to pool (cut throat and scramble). You do what you can with multiple napping babies.
Minute-to-win-it festivities.

The babysitters and babies back at the ranch, during golf (thanks babysitters!) Just a whole slew of kiddos, huh.
The babies all prepped and ready to greet the golfers.
Kayaking the Rogue.

You can clearly tell who the newlyest-weds are. Oh, young love.


Eating. Chicken parm was the Winn's meal. Home-made pizzas - C2's. Chiken Katsu - Bajorks. Steak - C1's. All else - Winter's.
Prepping our meal.
Babies eat a lot.
Horse back riding.

Oh, have I mentioned the dance party?
Bocci ball baby.
And there were babies. Lots of babies.
Who can forget these two awesome girls, even with all those babies?

Why did I catch that happening husband?
And I love my son.
Wish I could get him to smile for a picture...sigh....
The newlyweds, or newlyest weds....either way.