Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Activites of late...

We used our last Disney "Dream Pass" on EPCOT a month or so ago. Trevor had this major aversion to EPCOT because of his memory of it as a child. Well, I thought it was interesting. It's like a huge OMSI. When intermixed with the other amusement parks, I understand why it gets the shaft. You should just go there first with your kids. Then the bar isn't set as high.

Other than that, pretty much all our time is spent in the water. It starts with the bath tub. He ALWAYS wants in the bath tub. (Photos censored for your viewing pleasure)

Then there's playgroup, which is at the pool. A sweet pool at that. And this was an extra special playgroup that Dad got to come to. You can see he may have had more fun that Riggs.

Here's Dad doing the Riggs dunk.

Riggs loves his dad a lot.

Then there's the dreamy cousins who live in Orlando and let us leave our kiddo with them why we go on the Branch temple trip/eat excellent food. As an added bonus, we got to go to Amanda's sister's husband's parent's pool/farm to swim in their awesome pool. We had a blast.

Oh, and remember their "farm"? Well, it was probably more awesome than the pool. How often do you get to say you pet a zebra? Or saw a Zedonk? Exactly.

The Zedonk and Cow. Notice the Zedonk's legs.

Clapping for the Zebras.

African cattle in the background, I believe.

Lastly, we went to Fort DeSoto beach for our Stake Youth Beach Trip. It was a beautiful beach and I've never felt beach water as warm as I did that day. Riggs LOVED the warm water. If we would have let him he would have crawled as far into the gulf as possible, or at least until he swallowed a tar ball.

Riggs flirting with the YW.

You can't really see them, but Riggs and Trevor are way out there...

The kid ate a lot of sand that day.

When we're lucky all this swimming will knock Riggs out. Here is his dead asleep, up on his knees, mid crawl.


Lisa Michelle said...

Wow - looks like fun! You are doing a good job of making us all want to move to FL for the awesome pools, amusement and company! And ps - Rigdon is getting so big! And so blonde!!! He is adorable. :)

Lu and Bran Muffin said...

You're camera is awesome, some of the pool pics are really crisp. And Epcot is the least "cool," I agree.

Meredith W said...

Wow Les those are some fantastic/ high quality photographs. It really makes me want a new camera. Looks like FL is a blast! There truly are NO RULES there. Can't wait for our next visit out there.

p.s. And a new background... saucy

Suzanne said...

You are doing all sorts of fun things in FLorida that you can never do on the West. It looks like you are having a ton of fun - and Riggs is having the best time of all! What a cutie - that baby just gets cuter and cuter everyday! What fun pics!

JasPam said...

Love the Zeedonk. I can relate to him with the funky legs! No wonder Riggs loves the water--you are surrounded by it! Your young women group photo turned out great. Is there one with you and them in it?

David and Teresa said...

What great photos!! FL looks like fun. I can't believe how big Rigdon is!! He looks so happy... and tan!

The Smith Family said...

Oh my goodness, he is adorable! Les, do you always let him play with your razor in the bath? ;) He looks so much like Trevor! What a sweet little boy you have!