Tuesday, March 16, 2010

My Highly Domestic Sister-in-law made this...


Meaning, Riggs' hat. Is it not the cutest thing you've ever seen. Surprisingly, we've got a lot of use out of it considering we moved to Florida right after we got it for Christmas. Plus, with the travels to MN and MO, it's come in quite handy.

We always get compliments on it, and when I say it's hand-made people freak out. Anyways, this is Mandy's work. She never ceases to amaze me. Which reminds me, I should snap a picture of the quilt she made Riggs too. It is pretty darn awesome. She's pretty darn awesome.

1 comment:

The Winns said...

I'm so glad Riggs has been able to use his hat. The whole Florida thing happened so fast, and the hat was already made. Anyway, you talk me up way too much...I ruined about 10 hats before I got one right! :) I miss you guys!!!!