Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I only have a minute on the internet....

...and with it, I choose these pictures. I have a lot to blog about, but not enough time at the moment, so here's just a teaser.

The Mere and Gun-man visit.

The Minnesota trip. (Love this "funny" photo - Abs and Savs are so funny)

Learning to sit-up.

Piano time.

And just being awesome.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Florida State Fair, Fried Food, and Fanimals

One of our first weekends in FL, we decided to stop by the state fair...even though it was very cold...for Florida. Our trip was mainly focused on fried food and fanimals, with no complaints from me.

We got to put Riggs in his sweet winter -jumpsuit. Here he is before we enter (left) and about 3 hours into it, asleep (right).

The scrumptious fair food. We only had a huge corn dog, the friend oreos and a sandwich with french fries on it, but from what we saw the fried Pepsi and fried butter, as well as the krispy kream burgers were the big hits. (And catch that look in Trevor's eyes....)

Lastly, here was Riggs' first run in with the fair animals.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

My Highly Domestic Sister-in-law made this...


Meaning, Riggs' hat. Is it not the cutest thing you've ever seen. Surprisingly, we've got a lot of use out of it considering we moved to Florida right after we got it for Christmas. Plus, with the travels to MN and MO, it's come in quite handy.

We always get compliments on it, and when I say it's hand-made people freak out. Anyways, this is Mandy's work. She never ceases to amaze me. Which reminds me, I should snap a picture of the quilt she made Riggs too. It is pretty darn awesome. She's pretty darn awesome.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A Few Folks We Saw at Christmas

Here's my last post of the Christmas season, but it's a very important one since we saw so many great folks over the holidays!

All of the Oregon "Wilson's"

The Gun Man.

Abs & Savs.

Grandma & Abs.

Kathy & Payton.


Kev-bo, Kelly, & Dylan.

Crystal & Owen.


Shane, Sarah (not pictured, taking the picture), & Colin.

Oh, and just to record it - Riggs ate his first solids over the Christmas break and was introduced to the Johnny Jumper.

Gotta love him.

Chillin Like a Villan

Just a few random photos of the upon arrival in FL and pre-hair cut.