We got to spend a couple weeks in Oregon during July, visiting family, having fun, and getting relief from the Florida heat. It was a great visit, filled with quite a few special events.
First, we got to go to Klamath Falls, OR where Illa hosted her family reunion. All I have to say is, what kid is lucky enough to get a great grandma that teaches him to jump on the bed??? Riggs sure thought it was great.
While there, we stopped by Crater Lake (I had never been, sad I know). And when I say "stopped by," I mean it. We drove there, stopped, got out of the car, took a picture and left. I suppose that's how things work now with 2 kids?
We then headed north from Klamath Falls, to stop at Smith Rock where Trevor joined the 13.1 club, for the second time. We were all very proud of Dad, because from what I could see nothing about that would be enjoyable, besides the free breakfast burrito after you finish.
A fun treat over the race weekend was getting to stay with Deanna (THANK YOU!!). The kids loved her, as pictured below, while Trevor and I thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to visit with her.
We then took advantage of so much of our family being in one place at the same time, that we blessed Meredith in mine and Trevor's home ward. She was definitely the star, with a lot of fans!

Finally, Riggs turned 2 and what better way to celebrate than with the family! Thus, we took it to "Turner Ranch" and had quite the partay!
Complete with the very chocolatey cake.

Pinata candy (Riggs, obviously had a preference for which pieces he picked up).

The home-made waterslide that may or may not have hurt very badly on such hard ground.

Many cousins, aunts, uncles, grandma's, grandpa's, great grandma's, and great grandpa's....oh, and sisters!
(For some reason I feel like this could be a billboard for cigarettes or something...just a vibe I suppose)