You tell me....Total was $211 and I spent....$37. Yes, that is correct, an 83% savings. I know it's not the "total was $150, spent .42 cents," that you see on the awesome coupon blogger sites, but's pretty good.

And if the $174 in savings does not impress you, how about the fact that included in the stash pictured above is ORGANIC granola bars, ORGANIC frozen fruit, ORGANIC baby food, ORGANIC pretzels, sandwich thins, egg beaters, fish and yogurt....which proves you can eat well, and by well I mean, not just pure preservatives, as a couponer. (ignore the great frozen pie slices we scored too) And I say, you can too!
And if you are not impressed by the savings, or healthy food, how about all that cleaning supplies back in the corner of my stash (scrubbing bubble, windex, shout, and fabric softner)? Money was not only not spent, but made on those items and we all know how fof it is to replenish your cleaning supplies, but couponing almost makes it fun. And I say, you can have fun too!
I had a rough start with couponing back in the good ol' state of Utah, but thank goodness for Florida and the great store of Publix because I'm finally hitting my stride. I'll admit it, I get giddy waiting for the "sneak peak" of the weekly Publix ad to show up so I can prep my coupons and day dream of the beautiful match-ups - Buy one, get one promotion + manufacturer coupon + publix coupon. Oh, the trifecta. Thank you for indulging me for this one moment as I glory in my victory.