(warning: this post is long. Just my fair warning)
Trevor seems to have these "things" that just make him happy, that really just make him feel like he's "livin' life." I suppose we all have those things, it's just so easy to see Trevor's. It's totally in his face (which I love)...and...he usually goes on mini rants to me about how I could be living' life too if I tried out these joy-isms (sometimes I love a little less, but appreciate the thought). Thus, I've recently been on the look out for all of the things Trevor believes adds up to livin' life, so I can do just that. Live life. As a perk for him, when I figure out what these little joys are to him, I simply say..."Livin' life to Trevor is....(fill in the blank)." Trevor has many great suggestions, a few of them being....
Livin' life to Trevor is reading instead of watching TV.
Livin' life to Trevor is eating things you haven't tried before.
Livin' life to Trevor is driving with the windows down and no AC.
Livin' life to Trevor is getting outside to be with the wonders of nature.
It's that last "livin' life-ism" that took us to St. George, UT for my little time off between jobs. For those unaware or those aware, but have yet to behold it's beauty - portions of Southern Utah are natural wonders. I'm sure anyone that's visited Zion's, or Bryce Canyon, or Moab, would all share similar sentiments. So Trevor and I are taking this opportunity through our blogpost to encourage everyone that has the chance to go hike Angel's Landing, or the Subway, or Bryce Canyon or just drive between Zion's and Bryce to just do it. It's amazing. It's livin' life.
The following is a really, really long post, including A LOT of pictures of our time spent in southern Utah. Emjoy, we sure did!
Bryce Canyon National Park

I'm not really touching those rocks. This is the result of about 10 minutes of Trevor trying to tell me how to hold my arms so it looks like I'm touching these rocks. Turned out pretty well if I say so myself.
Zion National Park
Welcome to Angel's Landing. Many people are probably familiar with this hike. We've posted on it before. It's just really something you should do if ever in Zion. It's so sweet. Plus, it's funny to see first-timers when they climb over the first semi-scary camel's hump, think it's done, and then you point out the second - way taller, way skinnier - camels hump that we will be climbing. Just a dream. Ask Brandon and Mere.
Behind us is the 2nd camels hump we scaled over
A Few Other Activities
Of course we got some great R&R time in. How often do you have zero responsibilities because you're in between jobs??? You've got to take advantage. We went to the pool a day or two, watched a few of the NBA playoff games, did plenty of reading, and good eating. Mere and Brandon joined us for a couple of days, so we were able to play tennis as well. The last morning we were there we played golf. The picture of me happens to be on a hole that I got a real birdie - no mulligans....kind of. I call it a real birdie because I hit 4 legal shots in a row from tee-off to ball in the hole. Sure, that doesn't count the 6, and yes, I said 6 balls I hit beautifully into the water. I can't help it, I've got a slight slice.
One other special treat was our experience at "The Cactus Room," a little restaurant right outside of Virgin, UT. There's no way I can do this place justice over a blog. The slightly stale, old house smell, the waiter that stared at me AND Trevor a little too long, the waiter that was also our chef and took a solid hour cooking our meals, the gross tasting water, the weird Indian store attached to the restaurant with all "authentic" items...even the occasional Sponge Bob toy???. This is the kind of restaurant that's in movies, scary movies, where they end, if you get my point. But, as Trevor likes to say, we were livin' life!
A few photos that resulted from boredom at The Cactus Room.
I'm out.
ps. for those wanting to see photos of our Subway hike....stay tuned. That deserves a post of its own.