It was a wet and gloomy day in Provo on Friday night as Pretty in Pink lost in the championship of the D-2 women's flag football tournament. All year long Pretty in Pink has destroyed their opponents on the strengths of their athleticism, skill, and finesse. These strengths were mitigated on Friday however by a monsoon and the worst refs I've ever seen in intramural history. (At one point, I threatened to turn one of them into the Honor Code Office for what I viewed as blatant dishonesty. My threats had no effect.) Pretty in Pink was clearly the more athletic and attractive team on the field, but they couldn't overcome the elements and the officiating and lost 2-0 and 6-0 in the double elimination tournament (yes, they lost the first game on a safety).

The rain was relentless, and the game was stopped time after time because the above pictured ref liked the sound of his own whistle. The refs completely took over the game and didn't allow the girls to play. It was disappointing to see a normally beautiful offense muddied up by the conditions, both human and natural, but I feel that we all know which was really the better team. After the game their were some tears shed, hugs exchanged, and harsh words passed on to the ref, but when reflecting a day later, it is evident that it was an exciting season for Pretty in Pink. A season in which junior standout Meredith Winter dominated both offensively and defensively. The domination for which she receives my award as
Flag Football Player of the Year.
Meredith Winter: Player of the YearWhether it was making leaping grabs in the endzone, running a reverse for a TD, or taking a pick back to the house, Meredith was the main playmaker for Pretty in Pink. In several games this year she scored all of her teams points and single-handedly led them to victory. Her agility, grace, and competitive nature are envied by all, but rivaled by none. As only a junior, Mrs. Winter has vowed to work hard in the off-season and come back even stronger next year. She attributes much of her success to her teammates, her husband Brandon, and her siblings and their spouses. "You know, I just couldn't do it without them," says Winter, "They give me strength to achieve the impossible. They're everything to me." And accomplish the impossible she has. Who would have ever imagined that this young woman from Albany, Oregon would grow up to become the player of the year? Kudos to you Meredith Winter, the 2007 Flag Football Player of the Year, kudos.
As for the rest of the team.....most of them will return for next season. Although they fell just short this year, the future is bright for this group of young women. The potential and expectations are high, but high expectations don't bother Meredith or the rest of the team at all. I think Bronco Mendenhall put it best when he said, "the best is yet to come."
Below are a few other photos from the game.