Man, we had a great Halloween this year - we had fun dressing up as Hannah and her Dad, loved getting little Riggs in his cute Dragon outfit, and got to go to two smashin' Halloween parties.
First, was the Server's party. I'm not sure I've ever been to a party like this - the decor, the food, the location. It was all amazing. Breath-taking, really. Check out pictures of the party decorations
here, and
here. Really, go look. It was sweet. Plus, here are a few of my not-as-nice-pics.

Here we are with our neighbors, Ashley and Mikkel, at the partaay. (I have Ashley and her little sister to thank for most of my costume!)

A few of our friends that were at the party all dressed up, however appropriate or inappropriate (Tanner and Heidi):)
Then there was the Olsen bash...Between the amazing soups (where on earth do you find soup like
that??:)) and being lucky enough to have the Obama's stop by to play some splash and decorate a few sugar was quite the treat! Riggs was up for about 10 minutes of it and then he crashed in a spare room upstairs, which was just a dream (thanks Olsens!).
Our little dragon.
And finally, here's the little guy after Trevor's work's office trick-or-treat. It's tiring being so cute. Good thing Mere has a comfy belly to snooze on, although little Branedith may not have enjoyed getting squashed by his cousin.