Well Lesley's on the road for work, her cell phone is dead, and she left her charger at home, so since I can't talk to her it looks like I don't have any choice but to do a little blogging. First and foremost, I'd like to apologize for the lack of recent posting activity. We've been slacking and feel bad about disappointing a vast number of our loyal readers. By vast number I mean a small collection of friends and family. But I digress.
The purpose of this post is to discuss why last week was such so great for our household. No, Lesley is not pregnant, nor are we trying (sorry Ev). And no, there were no birthdays or promotions. No exciting family milestones or anniversaries. Not even a break in traffic or good weather. It was something much

loftier than any of those. Last week the Cougs and Beavs won. And the Utes lost.
Thursday kicked off the whole weekend with a double-whammy. It's always great when the Beavs come out on top. It's even better when that victory for the Beavers means a loss for the Utes. I despise everything about the University of Utah. Their cheap-shotting players, their
fair-weather arrogant fans, their persistence on growing facial hair, and especially their traitorous coach (see
this article from my football blog for more info on Coach dim-Whittingham). So when I see the Utes lose, it just makes me happy inside. It's similar to that happiness you feel when you see a child take its first steps or utter its first words. The OSU offensive line dominated the Ute D-line and Bernard ran all over them (including this touchdown). Yes, Utah's QB got injured in the first half, but they were going to lose regardless. Now every day on the radio I get to hear Utah fans whine and make excuses and start talking about "next year." Kind of like what we heard last year and the year before that. Loooooooong year to be a Ute fan.

Then on Saturday, me, Lesley, Evan, Whitney, Brandon, and Meredith headed out to the hallowed ground of LaVell Edwards Stadium to eat some tailgate cooking (complete with blue football shaped "Y" cake) and watch the Cougars home opener. The Cougar

D dominated and Max Hall had a great first outing, while Harvey Unga made Arizona look like a Pee-Wee football team. It was about 200 degrees with no wind and we were looking into the sun the entire game. I'm pretty sure I had a couple heat strokes and sweated out a couple gallons, but the Cougs won, so all was well in Cougartown, despite my health problems and dehydration. After all, what's a little heat when you're fully invested? One of the highlights for me was the Event Staff guy before the game that kept telling us to "not be so mean." Apparently telling the other players they were going to lose as they were warming up is just too mean. Granted, we did make fun of the looks of a few of them, but we were only being honest. And by we, I of course mean me and my friends. Lesley is too nice to get involved in any of that. It was just great to see the little orange man try to get us to be kinder. When you combine good tailgate food, a strong performance from the team, and a little extra-curricular activity with the event staff guy, it was truly a great day to be a Cougar.

So all in all, last week was great due to the aforementioned reasons. And on top of all else that happened, we also bought a new car and I beat Evan in ping-pong. Yes, you read that right......I beat Evan Carlile in a game of ping-pong. I have officially reached the mountain top.
So that's our most recent update. It was a great week to be a Winn!